Dancing in the Rain

As I reflect on how I’ve lived my life, I realize I’ve often tried to change, or fix, life’s circumstances.  I think I’ve finally come to understand life is often “unfixable”.  Simply put -- it is what it is. 

Please don’t get me wrong.  I still have faith and hope, but I believe it takes greater faith and hope to live within our circumstances than to be rescued from our circumstances.   

I’m a huge believer in dancing in the rain. You see, I don’t think life is about waiting for the storm to pass.  There’s no doubt the rain will come.  It may come as a gentle shower or a raging, torrential storm, but rain is going to fall into each of our lives. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.

We can ignore the rain and pretend it doesn’t exist, but we’ll still get wet.  We can hold our naive, “it can’t happen to me” umbrella high above our heads, but eventually a storm will blow it away and we won’t just get wet, we’ll get soaked.  Or we can embrace the rain even when it batters us to the core. 

We each dance in our own way and in our own timing.  Our dance may start slowly and each step may be brutally painful.  We may have to stop and rest, but we’ll get up and dance a little longer the next time.  The music may be inaudible, but one day melodic notes will emerge again.  Undoubtedly, the lyrics will be different, but the music will play and our dance will go on.

Life is what it is.  The storms will surely come, but we can learn to dance in the rain.